Honeck and Pittsburgh's Beethoven a Recording for the Ages

The Pittsburgh Symphony and Manfred Honeck's BEETHOVEN: Symphony Nos. 5 & 7 recording receives perfect 10 ratings from ClassicsToday:

“No matter how many billion recordings of this music we already have, a great performance offers its own justification, these are very great performances. … It’s not easy to offer interpretations of this music that sound new without turning capricious–that both respect the music and personalize it. Honeck and the orchestra manage to pull it off consistently, with bravura, finesse, and an intelligence that makes these versions a true celebration of Beethoven’s genius. The first element that lends this disc such distinction is the quality of the orchestra itself. Let’s be honest: there simply is no finer ensemble in the world today, even if it may sound controversial to say so. From top to bottom the Pittsburgh players reveal themselves as equal or superior to anyone out there; and when led by a charismatic conductor like Honeck, they have few if any peers. … Atop this foundation, Honeck builds interpretations that find countless ear-catching details within the context of a dramatic, intensely propulsive view of each symphony. … You get the thrill of a live performance, the perfection of the best studio work, and sonics that capture it all with exemplary warmth and fidelity. So sit back, crank up the volume, and get ready for an incredible ride. There’s life in the classics after all.” —David Hurwitz, ClassicsToday

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